Quote Price Check

Don't overpay!

We don't display prices for cookie cutter systems to be sold online without a second thought. Don't be fooled; this isn't because we have something to hide. We don't offer direct online sales of our systems because we prefer the human experience in customer service and appreciate your individual needs and exact requirements. When you work with ADEK you'll never chat with a bot or receive an automated response. You'll have a technical sales representative who understands your requirements. We want to ensure that your operating conditions will be met with perfection.

  • — How many lanes does that bus actually have?
  • — Is that number advertised the theoretical or actual bandwidth?
  • — Will the BIOS let you change those few bits that are vital for your hardware?

We're here to help answer questions like this and do a whole lot more for you.

Of course, we understand convenience when we see it. So go ahead and send us an existing quote for your system configuration. In addition, if you would like to double check that it's the right system for you, let us know what your operating requirements are.

If we can beat the price, we'll let you know right away.
If we can't beat the price, we'll let you know right away!